ISA seeks new editor for International Studies Review; Contact Ann Tickner
Ann Tickner sends us this note:
You will note in the ISA Newlsetter that there is a call for new editors for the International STudies REview. If you can think of any women/FTGS people (probably would need to be US based) let me know. It requires quite a bit of institutional support so editor(s) has to be housed at a university that could provide that. Look at the call on the ISA website for more details.
The call from the ISA webpage is copied below:
International Studies Review Seeks New Editor
The Publications Committee of the International Studies Association will make a recommendation to the ISA Governing Council regarding the assignment of editorial duties for the International Studies Review at the 2006 annual meeting (a mission statement for the journal can be accessed at New editorial appointments will be approved at that meeting for editor(s) who will serve for a five year term beginning January 1, 2008. (It is assumed that there will be transitional duties during 2007). ISA will provide a subvention to the Editor(s) of approximately $30,000 annually to support the editorial project. Questions about the process of selecting the editor(s), or the editorial duties involved, may be addressed to the Chair of the Publications Committee, James Lee Ray, at, or (615) 322-6235. Applications from individuals or editorial teams will be considered. Applications should be submitted to James Lee Ray, ISA Publications Committee Chair, Department of Political Science, P.O. Box 8263, Station B, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37235. Applications should be received no later than September 30, 2005, although applications will be accepted until an appointment is recommended by the committee. Earlier applications are encouraged, and will be evaluated as they arrive. Women and minority candidates are strongly encouraged to apply. ISA is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.
Dr. Tickner's email address is